The options discussed at the Open Parking Forum on Sept. 21 are dismal at best. The University of Southern Mississippi has seen tremendous growth, both in new student enrollment, and also in student retention.
Logically, it seems as if the university should grow in size to accommodate for this influx of students, but the university is not meeting the demands of growth that are currently being seen. While the cost of parking permits has increased over the years, we still are unable to see the results of such increases in costs.
The justification made in the Printz at the beginning of the semester was to pave a few of the current parking lots, and this solution is quite frankly a waste of money.
Until the university expedites the building of a new parking garage, possibly across from the theatre and dance building, the students will still be angry.
It is the job of the university to put the needs of the students and faculty as a paramount issue.