Going to the doctor’s office right before starting college to get my shots and boosters, I was asked by my doctor to receive the HPV vaccine.
My mother shook her head and said, “No, Lanie will not be receiving that shot.” Why, you ask? Let me tell you about my take on the HPV vaccine.
First off: What is HPV?
HPV, or the Human Papillomavirus, is a group of over one hundred viruses that can cause different types of cancers to develop within both males and females and is most commonly spread through sexual encounters or any other genital contact with an infected person, making it an STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection). HPV comes in many different strains, some of which show no signs. The body of the infected person can rid the disease on its own while other strains of the virus can cause different types of cancer.
So, there’s a vaccine?
There are actually two different vaccines for HPV: Cervarix and Gardasil, which claim to combat against strains 16 and 18 of HPV. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that all children between the ages of 11 and 12 receive three doses of one of vaccines. In 9 out of 10 cases, the infected person’s body is able to clear itself of the virus without medical treatment, so why exactly are doctors trying to shove the vaccines down parents’ throats? “BCBS (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) actually does give pretty big bonuses to doctors who get a certain percentage of their patients fully immunized. So the question is: is the HPV vaccine in that list to make someone fully immunized? The bonus is pretty big, like $400 per [fully vaccinated] patient! In a decent sized practice that’s a lot of cash. And a huge conflict of interest,” said Michael Harrison, host of The Mike Madison Show radio show.
If there is a vaccine, shouldn’t I get it to prevent contracting HPV?
The answer to that question is no way. The HPV vaccine has shown to do much more harm than good during many research studies. In fact, according to the Alliance for Natural Health USA, based on clinical trial data, the HPV vaccine only helped 12 out of 100,000 women infected with the virus. The vaccine can also cause many adverse reactions to occur in the injected person, such as: POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome,) according to the article, “It’s Official: HPV vaccine, the most dangerous vaccine yet” by the Alliance for Natural Health.
In some rare cases, girls injected with the vaccine may experience premature ovarian failure. Another downfall of the vaccine is that if the person injected with the vaccine is already infected with HPV, they have a 45 percent chance of contracting cancer according to the Alliance for Natural Health USA. This is starting to sound like a commercial for a depression-related drug with horrible side effects, right? The Alliance for Natural Health USA also reported that during the clinical trials for the vaccine, 73 percent of girls contracted new medical conditions after they were given the vaccine.
My question is, with all of these horrendous side effects, why is the government allowing theses vaccines to be injected into the bodies of growing children?