Dakota Wild, sophomore sports coaching and sports management major, is running for SGA vice president.
What are your plans for student involvement?
My plan as VP would be to hold people accountable for our job. We are the voice of the entire USM community. Being involved to me would be going to students by holding forums and expressing that we want to know what students of USM are experiencing and what they feel needs to be addressed. Most students have no idea who we are as a Senate body and know who actually represents them. By going to students, it will keep us accountable, and we can reach students that normally don’t get reached.
What do you plan to do about the parking situation on campus?
I want to work closely with Parking and Transit Services as well as the Judicial Board to communicate with students about parking rules and/or changes. As VP, I would advocate for students to help with parking and see to it that I do everything within my power to voice these concerns and try my best to fix the problems students are seeing.
How do you plan to increase the levels of academic involvement among the student body?
I would try to work closely with CCE (Center of Community Engagement) to promote opportunities for students to get involved. I want students to understand that you don’t have to be just in Greek Life to do anything. Most students have no idea that we have over 200 registered organizations. I would like to communicate with groups to help promote activities and engage with students. I would also like to work with the Office of Leadership and Student Involvement to possibly send out a newsletter and/or social media postings to really engage students.
What are some of the things that you would like to address as a candidate for vice president of the SGA?
We express that we are a melting pot, but you really don’t see diversity when it comes to SGA. I want to hold people accountable. We have a job to improve USM for all students. We shouldn’t be here just for titles and resume building. I also want to be transparent with the student body by letting them know exactly what is going on in the university at all times. I want students to know we are here to help them with all their problems and will work together to meet their needs and goals.