In follow-up to the article and paid for at The University regarding parking for commuter students published in the Aug. 27 edition of The Student Printz, the Department of Parking Management would like to provide the following information.
Commuters are allowed to park in their designated areas and open zones. 1,106 spaces are designated for commuter parking. However, commuter students may also park in open zones which contain 3,283 spaces.
All parking information can be found in the Traffic and Parking Regulations which govern how parking is assigned, utilized of Southern Mississippi. Hattiesburg Campus – parking zone restrictions will be enforced from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and on Saturdays when Saturday is a designated class day, with the exception of mandatory tow areas.
Mandatory tow areas include service areas, fire lanes, fire hydrants, handicapped parking, handicapped curb cuts, reserved parking, sidewalks/ grounds, no parking tow-away areas and obstructing traffic. These areas will be enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Since the start of the new academic year, there has been significant underutilization of two large open zone lots, (the) Hillcrest Gravel lot (387 spaces) on the northeast side of campus and the Ross Boulevard, South lot (previously Sigma Nu) (160 spaces) on the southwest side of campus.
Students are encouraged to take advantage of these locations.
If you should have any other questions/concerns, please contact The Department of Parking Management at 601.266.5447 or 601.266.4943, located in McLemore Hall 152.
Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.