College students are all likely to experience the stress and uncertainty of choosing a major. Even more likely, however, is the fact that most students will change majors at least once. The stress of choosing the right major only adds to the anxiousness of exams, finances and social life that begin to pile up further into semesters. Most students have had the experience of changing majors. However, if one does not know how to change his or her major, then the experience becomes that much more stressful. So here are some tips and resources The University of Southern Mississippi offers to make the process easier.
*Career services offer a free online career assessment known as Focus 2 to help students discover their values, skills and personality interests. Once one completes the assessment, he or she will be able to explore suggested jobs and career fields. This assessment is free but does require a code; the code is, however, provided. If one has any further uncertainty or questions, appointments can be made to meet with an advisor. Students can visit the Career Services resource page on the USM website or visit the Career Services office located in McLemore Hall for more information.
*Students are encouraged to speak to their advisors or close professors for advice . Occasionally, students will doubt his or her selection of a major due to a poor performance or an exceptionally difficult semester. Talking to advisors or professors can help discern whether or not the major is right.
*Research the degree plans available at USM. There are semester-by-semester guides for each degree plan as well as a listing of all the degrees that USM offers. Students should research this list fully before making a final decision.
*If a student is wanting to switch majors, he or she would need to visit the department of the chosen major. For example, if one changes their major to English, they would need to visit the Department of English office in LAB 347. Further help will be provided by speaking to the secretary who will then give you a form to fill out, asking for name, student ID, previous major and new major. After this form is turned in, the change will appear on the student’s SOAR account within a few days and a new advisor will be assigned.