Games of Thrones Season 4 is set to air this Sunday, April 6. As someone who hasn’t cracked open a single book from George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire,” join me as I predict what this season will hold by deciphering trailers, sneak-peak videos and cast interviews.
There be Dragons!
Lions and tigers and giant fire breathing reptiles! Oh my!
Who could forget in season 3 episode 1 when Daenerys Targaryen is on the deck of the small boat she obtained to transport her Dothraki people. She watches her beloved dragons dive for fish in the open sea when her trusted protector Jorah comes up to her and says, “They’re growing fast” and she replies, “Not fast enough.”
From the brief glimpses of the massive flying beasts we get in the newest trailers, it looks like Daenerys got her wish. If there’s one thing we can be sure of in season 4, it’s that we’re going to see lots of raw, skin smoldering action happening to whomever decides to cross the Khaleesi.
Yet an exclusive 14 minute foreshadowing video released in February includes an interview actress Emilia Clarke who says, “They are outgrowing the restrictions that she’s placing on them. She’s always feared it. They’ve killed her enemies what’s going to stop them from killing anyone?”
Daenerys has had her eyes set on the iron throne basically since the start of the show. My guess it that King’s Landing is in for a warmer winter than they expected, whether the Khaleesi wants them to or not.
Tyrion You Can’t Die on Me!
In multiple trailers for season 4, Tyrion Lannister is shown in a jail cell, in chains and talking to his servant Podric saying “Things are a bit tense right now. I don’t think I’m talking my way out of this one.”
While most characters try to mask their inner good versus evil turmoil, Tyrion is one of my favorite characters because he likes to lay out all of his options on the table and pick the one that is the most objectively just. In following suit of taking away everything I’ve only started to love, I fear author George R.R. Martin will pull another “Red Wedding” move by the end of this season and Tyrion will meet his fate. Let’s hope I’m wrong.
Joffrey, When Are You Going to Die Already?
King Joffrey. The character everyone loves to hate. My heart fluttered with excitement every time our smug little king got close to death in seasons 1-3.
There was that time when Sansa Stark almost pushed him off the traitor’s walkway in season 1 episode 10, but she was stopped just in time (darn!).
And another time in season two when someone throws a cow pie at his face and he barely escapes a mob riot (ugh!).
Then he leaves his men like a coward at the Battle of Blackwater Bay against Stannis Baratheon to go run to the call of his mommy (NOOO!).
Now Joffrey thinks he’s invincible saying, “They know I saved the city. They know I won the war” in trailer number 1 and “I broke Stannis” in trailer number 4.
This is only to have his uncle Jamie reply, looking quizzically at his ignorant nephew, “The war is not won.”
Could this mean that “King” Joffrey is searching for validation of his right to the throne to combat an uprising against him?
Arya Stark, we’re all counting on you to be awesome this season and kill everyone who deserves it. Please and thank you.
Game of Thrones executive producer, writer and director D.B. Weiss says season 4 has a lot of unique things to offer that other seasons haven’t.
“There is definitely objectively more action than there are a lot of things from the production front that we’ve never done before,” Weiss said. “There are more climactic events in season 4 than there have ever been before.”