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The voice of and for USM students


The voice of and for USM students


The voice of and for USM students


Brian Winters

Opioid crisis trends locally

Ashlyn Levins and Ashlyn Levins | April 11, 2020
. The opioid crisis is a rapidly growing and dangerous trend in the United States, a particular threat to Forrest County, as Mississippi’s per-capita rate of painkiller prescriptions is one of the highest in the country.
Awareness week brings attention to eating disorders

Awareness week brings attention to eating disorders

Brian Winters and Brian Winters | March 13, 2020
From Feb. 24 until March 1, the National Eating Disorders Association hosted an eating disorders awareness week. The National Eating Disorder Awareness Week’s theme this year was “Come as You are: Hindsight is 20/20.”
Photo by Meghan Fuller.

Chronic health conditions create challenges for students

Morgan Usry and Morgan Usry | October 23, 2019
People who have chronic health conditions may face many challenges. This is even more true for those who are also students. On top of the normal problems that any college student has, they also have to deal with missing classes, constant fatigue and the other complications that a chronic health issue can pose.
Michael Abernathy, a junior nutrition and food systems major at Southern Miss, created goat cheese pizza for the Department of Nutrition and Food Systems second annual Nutrition and Food Systems Expo held at The University of Southern Mississippi. -Courtesy photo

Expo Brings New Flavors to USM

Jack Hammett and Jack Hammett | April 30, 2015

Michael Abernathy, a junior nutrition and food systems major at Southern Miss, created goat cheese pizza for the Department of Nutrition and Food Systems second annual Nutrition and Food Systems Expo held...

Dance Collective, A Creative Outlet

Sara Beasley and Sara Beasley | April 13, 2015

Edge Dance Collective The Edge meets at the Payne Center on Wednesdays from 8 p.m. until 9 p.m. Membership is $15 and includes a t-shirt. For more information, you can view their facebook page here.  

Running, Working Out Yields Results

Demetric Kelly and Demetric Kelly | April 13, 2015

Running Interested in developing your muscles? The Payne Center offers a lot of great equipment for workouts, and if you’re a student, then you already have a membership at this gym. For information...

Basketball: Fun Alternative to Regular Cardio

Jordan Crump and Jordan Crump | April 13, 2015

Intramurals To find out more about intramural sports like basketball, soccer and more, visit USM Rec Sports.  

Intramurals Help Students Stay Fit

Jordan Crump and Jordan Crump | April 13, 2015

Intramurals To find out more about intramural sports like basketball, soccer and more, visit USM Rec Sports.  

Lose Weight, Gain Muscle Lifting Weights

Jordan Crump and Jordan Crump | April 13, 2015

Weight Lifting Interested in developing your muscles? The Payne Center offers a lot of great equipment for workouts, and if you’re a student, then you already have a membership at this gym. For information...

Staying Healthy Mentally, Physically, Emotionally in College

Staying Healthy Mentally, Physically, Emotionally in College

Hayley Howard and Hayley Howard | April 13, 2015

Photo illustration metaphorically depicting the choices in nutrition within our society.- Aaron J. Stewart/Printz Listed below are links to the articles published in The Student Printz's "College...

Emphasize Proper Form, Not Weight

Emphasize Proper Form, Not Weight

Alan Rawls and Alan Rawls | April 13, 2015

Photo illustration displaying weightlifting form through countinuous motion. Modeled by Senior Patrick Lowe. -Aaron J. Stewart/Printz Some guys like to dwell on their glory days of being on the football...

Overcome Eating Disorders, Not Other Way Around

Overcome Eating Disorders, Not Other Way Around

Nikki Smith and Nikki Smith | April 13, 2015

Disregard the "perfect" bodies seen in the media and instead focus on maintainng a healthy and positive body image.-Susan Broadbridge/Printz The workday started out just like any other for Leslie...

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